
Here's my favorite site for spelling... www.spellingcity.com

2010-2011 Spelling Contract

This is your spelling contract for the week. It is your choice how many activities you complete. Make sure to spell ALL words correctly on each activity. You are graded for 20 points each week.

A grade will be given that corresponds to the amount of activities you complete.
Here is how your spelling contract will be graded:

20 points = 100%
15 points = 75%
10 points = 50%
5 points = 25%
No contract = 0%

All contract work will be due on Friday morning. Late spelling homework will not be accepted. This homework is meant to help you study for you test on Fridays. Do not wait until Thursday night to do all of your activities. Waiting will not benefit you in any way. You may only do each choice one time per week.
**Note: Spelling words must always be written in cursive**
5 Point Assignment Choices
Write the words and underline all the vowels
Write words in ABC order or CBA order
Write the words and underline all the consonants
Divide each word into syllables
Write the words neatly in cursive
Write your words using one color for vowels and another color for consonants
Write the spelling word and draw a picture of each spelling word

10 Point Assignment Choices
Write your words 3 times in cursive
Write your words 3x each in 3 different colors
Make a set of flash cards for studying your words
Make a word scramble and solve it using your words
Use all of your spelling words to write 10 or more questions
Look up your words in the dictionary and write their meaning
Using your dictionary find all of your spelling words and write down the definitions
Classify the words according to part of speech
Write sentences with each word
Write a newspaper article using all of your words
Write a great story using all of your words
Write newspaper headlines using your words
Make a crossword puzzle with all of your words and print it out

Write a letter to a friend using all of your spelling words
Create cartoon strips using you spelling words
Type your spelling list four times; with each list typed in a different font (Print it out)

15 Point Assignment Choices
Cut the words out of magazines and newspapers and make a collage on construction paper
Cut out a picture from a newspaper or a magazine and use spelling words to write a story about the picture
Write a word pyramid for each word